Check out our list of the best gifts for new moms. There are ideas for moms who are expecting and ones with newborn babies too!

It’s an exciting time when you get the first positive pregnancy test. Being an new mom can be an overwhelming time too.
Getting thoughtful gifts during and after your pregnancy is a wonderful thing. It helps the new mom know that she’s not alone and gives her support and guidance she may not even know to seek out.
While it has been over 10 years since I’ve been pregnant myself, I remember those days like they were yesterday. While the baby shower gifts were so greatly cherished and appreciated, there’s something so special about receiving a gift for no reason from a friend.
I’m sharing my list of gift ideas for expectant or new moms. Any or all of them would make a great gift to show how much you care.
1. Anti-Nausea Suckers and Bracelets
Morning sickness can be a real drain. While I never actually threw up when I was pregnant, I was nauseous all day every day for months with my first daughter. It wasn’t quite as bad the second time around.
For the expectant mom that is dealing with morning sickness, anti-nausea candy can be a life saver. Ginger and mint are two great herbal choices for helping to control nausea. I sucked on Preggie Pops like crazy!
Acupressure bands are another great, natural choice for controlling nausea. They are simple bracelets that use the acupressure points on your wrists to sooth upset tummies.
2. Second Hand Maternity Clothes
I think receiving second hand maternity clothes was my single favorite pregnancy gift. Maternity clothes can be so expensive and you only wear them for a few months. My sister gifted me with all of her maternity clothes when I was pregnant and it was such a huge blessing.
If you have any extra maternity clothes lying around, offer to let your friend or family member take all of them or sort through and choose what they like. Just ask that they pay it forward and pass them along to another expectant mom when she’s done with them.
3. Gift Cards
If you don’t have any second-hand maternity clothes to gift, another one of the wonderful gift ideas for expectant moms is a gift card for a maternity clothes store.
It’s a real treat for a mom whose growing belly doesn’t seem to fit into anything “nice” anymore to go buy herself something new to wear.
4. Maternity Pillow
When that baby belly starts to grow, sleeping can become quite difficult. I had a couple of different maternity pillows when I was pregnant and I don’t think I would have survived without them.
I don’t think my husband quite enjoyed how much room they took up in bed, but they allowed me to get the rest I needed to grow that baby in my belly.
Different maternity pillows are designed for different functions. Some prop your growing belly up. Others go between your legs to help you keep proper posture so you can rest easier. Any new mom would be grateful for one of these treasures.
5. Belly Oil or Butter
I can’t tell you how much belly oil and belly butters I slathered all over my growing tummy while I was pregnant. Multiple times a day, every day…
While it didn’t prevent me from getting stretch marks (I did gain 61 pounds with my first!), it did help keep my stretched skin from becoming dry and itchy.
6. Herbal Teas
Herbal teas are another one of the great gift ideas for expectant moms. You can find formulas that are great for easing nausea, soothing heartburn and relaxing mom-to-be so she can rest easier.
Further into the pregnancy, red raspberry leaf tea can be great at helping to strengthen and prepare your body for birth. Just make sure you’re only drinking that one in the final trimester. You can also get a third trimester tea blend that includes this time honored herb.
These are just a few gift ideas for expectant moms. I hope these gifts bring joy to the new mom in your life.