Breastfeeding babies can be very picky about bottle nipples! Learn how to choose the best bottles when pumping for your breastfed baby!

When you plan to breastfeed, you don’t always think about the need for bottles. But as a mom who breastfed two babies for a combined 31 months, I’ll tell you that most moms will want to have some bottles for their breastfed baby so they can pump.
When my girls were babies, the hype was all about using BPA free bottles and baby products. Then it turned out that BPS, which replaced BPA, was actually worse! Discover Magazine published a really great, science-based article on BPA and plastic.
When it comes to my baby girls, I do my research and always take the position of better safe than sorry… especially when it comes to chemicals. Let me say first that I am a big breastfeeding advocate. However, sometimes mommy just needs a break so the bottle is a must! In choosing the best baby bottles, I am glass all the way.
Glass is always best… However, sometimes I know that glass is an inconvenience. So I will also share with you the “safer” plastic baby bottles.
Even though you can go with glass bottles and be sure you’re safe, a lot of people just aren’t comfortable giving their baby a glass bottle. I am a little clumsy myself, so I understand the desire to avoid glass products, especially around kids.
Two of the most commonly recognized BPA free plastic baby bottles when my girls were little were Dr. Brown’s and BFree. I preferred BFree as Dr. Brown’s bottles have so many parts to keep track of, that it’s just not worth the time to me (although there are many moms that swear by them).
BFree baby bottles have a venting system to help reduce gas and colic, but use fewer parts than Dr. Brown’s. Plus, they’re the only bottles my breastfed babies would ever drink out of (we tried the Medela bottles that came with my Medela Pump in Style since they are BPA free also, but she wouldn’t take them).
Another plus? You can switch the BFree bottle nipples out for sippy cup tops so you’re saving money and space in our overflowing landfills when you go with BFree baby bottles.