Are you considering making the switch from paper to reusable cloth paper towels, napkins or even toilet tissue? We’ll give you some tips on how to make the transition easier on the whole family.
More and more families are making the switch from paper to cloth, disposable to reusable. Everything from napkins and paper towels to toilet paper has reusable options these days!
Doing a whole household overhaul to eliminate paper and instead use money on earth saving cloth can be a huge adjustment.
If your family has always used paper products, the switch to cloth may have them feeling a little deprived. After all, the first thing that goes is the convenience that paper offers.
However there are ways to make the switch from disposable paper to reusable cloth products without feeling deprived. Look below at how to make the transition while still feeling comfortable, convenient and stress free.
1. Transition one room at a time.
Instead of taking all the paper products out of the house at once, try transitioning room by room. For example you can start with the dining room and replace the paper napkins with cloth ones.
After a few weeks, transition to the kitchen where you replace paper towels with cloth ones (aka unpaper towels).
Keep this process up, tackling each room one at a time. This way you can ease into the process and don’t feel like you are going cold turkey.
If you’re going to switch to reusable toilet paper, do that last as it’s a harder transition!
2. Invest in colorful, quality cloth products.
Switching from paper to cloth means you get to shop for fun towels and cloth products! Invest in quality, colorful cloth products that you will feel good using.
Pick products that compliment your household color scheme and décor. Choose patterns and themes you enjoy. If you surround yourself with quality, colorful cloth products, you will feel happier using them!
3. Invest your savings into something the whole family will enjoy.
You will be amazed at how much you can save by switching from paper to cloth. As these savings add up, decide as a family how you will spend them!
Invest in something the whole family can enjoy. This will make your Earth and money saving efforts feel worth it.
4. Don’t force a change no one is comfortable with.
So maybe you are alright with using cloth napkins and towels, but just can’t bring yourself to try reusable toilet paper (aka family cloth a.k.a. cloth toilet tissue).
Don’t feel like it is all or nothing. Don’t force yourself to do something you aren’t comfortable with.
Try cloth in the areas of your home you feel it can best be used and if you need to stick to paper in others. That is alright too!
5. Take proper care of your cloth products.
This means thoroughly washing, softening and storing cloth items so they remain clean and soft and ready for use. You will find that the nicer and fresher your cloth products feel, the better you will feel about using them in place of paper products.
6. Allow yourself a trial.
If you just aren’t sure cloth products are for you, allow yourself a trial. This way you can enter openly into the idea and see if it works for you without feeling like you are locked in.
Give yourself a good 60 days to try it out, see what you save, and see how the process works out for your household needs.
Are you ready to make the switch from paper to cloth? Join the many households who already have and see how easy it can be to make the jump without feeling like you are missing out on anything.