Learn how to use lemon essential oil in your home. This oil is a must have for every family. It has many uses and benefits.

If you are an essential oil newbie, lemon oil is the perfect place to get your feet wet. Lemon essential oil is so easy to use, and it is inexpensive to buy as well – the price is about $10 for the brand of lemon oil we use.
Just one little bottle can be used in dozens of ways, making your health, beauty and home cleaning routines so much easier. Here is how you can get started with lemon oil in your own home.
1. Freshen up your laundry.
If you are worried about your laundry smelling stale and musty, give it a few drops of lemon oil. You can soak items in a tub of water and a few drops of lemon oil prior, or add a drop directly to the wash.
2. Degrease.
If you have grease on your hands, tools or dishes, use a little lemon oil to cut through it. Just add a few drops to a mild cleanser and it will give them a boost.
3. Keep counter tops clean.
Add a few drops of lemon oil to a spray bottle of vinegar and water and watch it cut through grime and help keep a clean surface at the same time.
4. Remove hard water stains.
Add a little lemon oil to some homemade soft scrub and watch it bust through hard water stains. It will work on stainless steel and even tile and glass.
5. Condition leather.
Add a dab of lemon oil to a soft cloth and wipe it over leather to help soften and condition it. It can also help bring out a natural shine.
6. Make silver shine.
You can place a few drops of oil drops on a soft cloth and rub it over silver and silver jewelry to make it shine and wipe away any grease or grime.
7. Remove fingerprints in stainless steel.
Place a few drops of lemon oil on a soft cloth and wipe it over stainless steel appliances. It will help remove any grime as well as remove greasy fingerprints that tend to stand out.
8. Clean your cutting boards.
Wood cutting boards need special treatment to make them last. Add a few drops of lemon oil on a towel and rub over the wooden cutting board with it. It will keep your board clean and fresh.
9. Tell pests so long!
Pests that would love to dine on your garden (aphids being an example) are repulsed by lemon oil. Add a few drops to a spray bottle of water (a drop or two of gentle dish soap will help as well) and spray it liberally on plants.
10. Lighten up your look.
Lemon oil can add highlights to your hair without the use of chemicals. Put a few drops on your finger tips and pull the oil through your strands of hair. The oil will work best if you expose your hair to sunlight shortly after.
Did you ever think lemon essential oil had so many uses? Give these tips a try for using lemon essential oil and see if it doesn’t quickly become one of your essential oil favorites!