The very first essential oil I ever purchased for my family was lavender essential oil. If you can only get one essential oil, I would recommend starting with lavender essential oil. It has so many amazing uses – I keep learning new ones! It’s truly an amazing oil.
If you’re wondering how you might use lavender essential oil in your home, here are 10 ideas. Keep in mind these 10 uses for lavender essential oil are only scratching the surface. There are so many more!
1. A Relaxing Room and Linen Spray
To make a spray with lavender, just mix around 10-20 drops of lavender essential oil with water in a glass spray bottle. You can use it to freshen your sheets, the bathroom, your car – pretty much anything that needs a fresher smell. It’s also great for relaxing.
2. Soothe the Kids to Sleep
Lavender is my favorite essential oil to use with my kids at bedtime. I put it in their diffuser, but you can also put a couple drops on their pillows. If I forget to fill the diffuser, they remind me because they know they fall asleep easier and get a better night’s sleep with lavender.
3. Add it to Your Cleaning Products
Who says cleaning can’t be therapeutic? If cleaning your house has you on edge, add a few drops of lavender to your favorite natural cleaning products. You’ll feel your mood relax while you clean.
4. Homemade Room Freshener
In a pint-sized mason jar, combine baking soda with 5-6 drops of lavender essential oil. Punch some holes in the lid so the scent can be released. Put your jar in the more stinky areas of your home like near the trash car or with your dirty laundry. Every few days, give the jar a shake to keep the scent fresh.
5. Carpet Freshener
You can also use your homemade room freshener mixture as a carpet freshener by sprinkling it on your carpet before you vacuum. Baking soda is great for soaking up smells and lavender will keep everything smelling fresh. You can also place cotton balls soaked with lavender essential oil inside of your vacuum bag to have a relaxing scent coming from your vacuum.
6. Soothe Minor Bug Bites
It’s that time of year. The creepy crawlies are out in full effect. You can use the smell of lavender to deter bugs, but if you forget to use it before going outside, it’s also great for soothing bites too.
7. After Sun Spray
If you get a little too much sun, you can use the same lavender spray that you use on your linens on your skin! It’s incredibly soothing and it works so well. For extra TLC, try our Aloe After Sun Spray.
8. Relaxing Bath Soak
Add 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil to a cup of Epsom salts. Once the essential oil has been absorbed into the salts, add them to your bath. The combination of lavender essential oil and Epsom salts can soothe sore muscles and calm the mind.
9. Soothe Minor Skin Irritations
Got a minor skin irritation you’d like to soothe? Mix up some lavender essential oil with some coconut oil or your favorite nourishing oil and rub it on. The lavender should soothe your skin while bringing a peaceful state of mind.
10. Splinter Removal
Have you ever had a stubborn splinter you just can’t get out? Next time add a few drops of lavender to the site. The splinter will swell up and slip out on its own. Plus the lavender will be soothing for the site.
There are so many benefits of and uses for lavender essential oil. We hope you learned something new about this amazing oil.