You know those moments. The ones where your kids do something so out of control or crazy that all you want to do is bust up laughing. But you just know that would make you a bad parent. And you can’t have that!
You don’t want to encourage the behavior, so you try to restrain yourself. But it’s hard. And you can’t always keep your composure.
If you’re a parent, I know that you understand what I’m talking about. Right?
For the longest time I’ve had a little trick that I’ve used. I didn’t even realize it was a parenting hack until I clued Brian into what I did recently.
What do I do?
When I know I’m not going to be able to compose myself – when I know I’m just going to burst out in laughter – I put my hand over my mouth and force myself to yawn.
It’s impossible to laugh while you’re yawning. I’ve been using this little trick for 4 years now and no one has caught on. Brian didn’t even know until I told him recently!
So next time you just want to laugh at your child’s misbehavior, but know you shouldn’t, just cover your mouth and yawn. It’s that simple!