Learn how to use peppermint essential oil in your home. This amazing oil has so many benefits and uses – you always want to have a bottle ready!

Peppermint essential oil is easily one of the most commonly used of all the oils. It is a very powerful and potent essential oil, and it has many, many uses. So it one that is well worth purchasing.
The oil is extracted by steam distillation from the leaves of the plant, making for a wonderful and sweet minty aroma. We use it for so many different things in our home.
Do keep in mind when you use peppermint that essential oils are up to 70 times more potent than the herb form of the plant, so a little goes a really long way.
Start slow. You can always add another drop, but if you use too much, it’s too late!
20 uses for Peppermint Essential Oil
1. Alertness
Use a drop or two to help keep you awake and alert when you are driving a long way, or just in an afternoon slump. Place a few drops in a diffuser, or put a drop in the palm of your hands, and rub them together. Then cup gently over your nose and mouth and inhale deeply. A drop on the back of your neck or wrist will also help.
2. Bad Breath
Take a drop of peppermint essential oil under the tongue or make a mouthwash by combining a few drops of oil with distilled water and gargling.
3. Fever or Hot Flash Relief
Using your favorite carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, place a drop of peppermint into your hands along with a few drops of the carrier, and rub on to the back of your neck, down the spine, on the bottoms of your feet and on the arms if you desire. This will help cool you down fast and you can repeat as needed.
4. Appetite Suppression
Take a drop of peppermint essential oil or inhale it deeply when it is meal time or when craving a snack. It has been proven to help you crave less and consume less calories.
5. Seasonal Relief
Peppermint can give relief for breathing and stuffiness when inhaled deeply. Use the palm of your hand like an inhaler by placing a drop on your palm, then rubbing it in and cupping over nose and mouth, inhaling deeply. You can also place some on the chest and neck, along with a carrier oil, to help loosen tightness and encourage open airways.
6. Make a Natural Antihistamine
Combine equal drops of lemon, lavender and peppermint for a natural antihistamine. Apply in layers to bites or stings, or make a roller bottle blend by using 20 drops of each and topping off with a carrier oil. Then roll on to areas needed, or use for seasonal allergy relief.
7. Emotional Balance
Peppermint is a great oil to uplift, and can take your mood from feeling hindered and frustrated to invigorated and inspired. Diffuse it at times when you need this encouragement or inhale off wrist or palm of the hands.
8. Digestion
Peppermint is one of the best essential oils to help with digestion and related issues. You can take it internally, in a veggie capsule, or in a glass of water to help relieve discomfort, or you can just apply it directly to abdomen, over the area when you feel the most discomfort. I recommend adding a few drops of a carrier oil to soften the cooling effect.
9. Help with the Loss of Sense of Smell
Inhaling peppermint or applying it along with a carrier oil over the bridge of the nose will open up the sinuses and help you recover that sense. Repeat as needed.
10. Headache Relief
Place a drop or two on the fingertips and run oil along hairline and back of the neck. Focus more on the area of the head that is hurting, and near the temples. Add a drop of frankincense to help with a more intense headache, and apply the oils also to the crown of the head and along the base of the skull.
11. Tension and Muscle Relief
Apply a few drops of peppermint into a carrier oil or your favorite lotion and massage on to the area of tension or tightness. Combine peppermint along with lemongrass, basil and frankincense for a great combination that will give much relief.
12. Help Relieve Brain Fog
Apply a drop of peppermint essential oil, and a drop of frankincense oil, rosemary oil or patchouli oil, into the palm of your hand, and then add a drop or two of a carrier oil. Rub on to back of the neck, base of the skull, and wrists. Inhale off the wrists. Reapply as needed for focus. You can also use a diffuser or diffuser necklace.
13. Dizziness Relief
Mix one or two drops each of peppermint and basil together, with a carrier oil or lotion, and rub on the temples, by the hairline and the back of the neck. Also, this mixture can be applied to your wrists or palms to inhale for more relief.
14. Spider and Ant Repellent
Place a few drops of peppermint on cotton balls and place in cabinets, corners or other areas to keep spiders and ants away. Get more tips on using essential oils for pest control.
15. Natural Deodorant
Make a 10 ml roller bottle combination with 15 drops peppermint and 15 drops cilantro and top off with a carrier oil. Apply to underarms and body to keep away body odor.
16. Nausea Relief Blend
In a roller bottle, combine 12 drops peppermint oil, 8 drops fennel oil, 5 drops ginger oil and 5 drops orange oil and top off with carrier oil. Rub on abdomen as needed, and place on wrists and inhale deeply for added relief of nausea.
17. Boost & Invigorate
Inhale a drop from the palm of your hands before a workout or other activity when you need a boost to get your motivated. You can also place a drop on the back of your neck for same effect.
18. Perk up your water
Add a drop or two to your daily water for a very refreshing taste. Also, works well in teas! I only take oils in water on occasion.
19. Cook with Oils
Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your favorite baking recipes. Brownies with 3 to 4 drops of peppermint are a big hit! I also love making peppermint chocolate chip ice cream with essential oils.
20. Overindulgence Relief
Make a tea to drink after a big meal or at holiday times to help relieve your tummy and improve digestion by adding the following oils into a large tea cup: 1 drop orange oil, 1 drop lemon oil, 1 drop coriander oil, 1 drop ginger oil, 1 drop peppermint oil. Combine the oils with 1-2 tablespoons of honey and top off with hot water. Mix well to combine and sip slowly.